Friday, February 29, 2008
I need eyes on the back of my head
Yesterday I took him to the park. It was completely spontaneous because I was going to go to the Childrens museum but when I went outside to take the trash out earlier, I noticed that it was such a sunny, Spring like day. I didn't want to pass it up, especially since the weather has been a little rainy and cold. I got to push Eric in the swing. He loved it. Next time I'll be sure to bring my camera.
Hopefully, in a few weeks some of the other moms will want to plan an outing at the park. I've really missed those "Park days" last Spring and Summer and now that Eric loves swings, it'll be even more fun for us.
Friday, February 15, 2008
What a big boy
Eric likes to use his Winnie the Pooh telephone. He just started holding it up to his ear a couple of days ago.
This past week, he has been doing some other things too. He is learning to feed himself with a fork and spoon.(Hooray!)
Last night, we went to dinner and a lady came over and commented on how cute Eric was. Then as she was leaving she said "good bye" to Eric. So I asked Eric to say good bye and he put his hand up and waved good bye for the first time. I've been teaching him some things and now he's remembering what I've taught him. :-D
It's so awesome to see him develop.
We also just bought him a new walker that is supposed to help him to walk. We already have one but it converts to a ride-on toy and it's too short for Eric. He uses it to kneel instead of what it's designed for.
The doctor suggested that we get a walker for him and some new shoes. I bought a pair that are light weight and are made for babies who are learning to walk.
Also, we have started giving him soy milk instead of formula and he seems to like it. He loves drinking from bottles and I think it's going to be tough for him to give them up.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Children's museum
The past few days he's been pointing at things. David and I have been telling him what things are. Also, he has been getting up on all fours like he is ready to stand up by himself! I'll keep the camera nearby to try to capture those shots. It's been exciting watching him develop and meet those milestones.