SAHM and some venting....
I am a Stay-At-Home-Mom. I do not like it, I don't like it one bit. I do not like green eggs and ham......
Ok, that's not exactly how I feel. But some days, I do hate it. Or maybe my hormones hate it.
Some days I lack the motivation to call people to set up play dates. I feel sorry for myself and I hope that people would call me. But then I think, "why would they need to call me? They don't want to get out of their house, because they have a house with a family room and a play room and their husband doesn't work from home (using one of the bedrooms).
(I really need to get this stuff out---I'm sorry for complaining/venting?)
It drives me crazy sometimes. I have a very hard time keeping the kids busy. Most of the time, I have to take them out some place just to make it through the day. I hope I am normal because this stress is making me crazy. I get frustrated because I don't see that things will get better.
My husband doesn't see this, he just thinks I'm crazy and emotional/hormonal.
I have been trying to give this stress to God and say "please take this from me". Maybe I don't know how to ask God to feel me with the Holy Spirit. I don't know.
I have been thinking that the Holy Spirit is a magic wand and that if I just pray the right prayer, that the stress would go away and I will be ok and that also I would be content with my circumstances.
I am sure I have the wrong attitude or heart about this, but this is what has been on my mind for quite a while. I don't know why when I need God's strength the most, that seems to be when my prayers hit the ceiling.
I have been realizing that sleeping, exercise and reading/studying the Bible really help A LOT. I can't believe the difference they make.
So I think I will be ok, I just have to remember that there are some VERY GOOD and cheap/free things I can do. Sleep, exercise, and get in God's word/pray.
If any of you have a minute I would really appreciate some prayer.
Please pray that I will remember to read His promises/verses, exercise and sleep.
Being a Stay at home Mom is exhausting.
Ok, that's not exactly how I feel. But some days, I do hate it. Or maybe my hormones hate it.
Some days I lack the motivation to call people to set up play dates. I feel sorry for myself and I hope that people would call me. But then I think, "why would they need to call me? They don't want to get out of their house, because they have a house with a family room and a play room and their husband doesn't work from home (using one of the bedrooms).
(I really need to get this stuff out---I'm sorry for complaining/venting?)
It drives me crazy sometimes. I have a very hard time keeping the kids busy. Most of the time, I have to take them out some place just to make it through the day. I hope I am normal because this stress is making me crazy. I get frustrated because I don't see that things will get better.
My husband doesn't see this, he just thinks I'm crazy and emotional/hormonal.
I have been trying to give this stress to God and say "please take this from me". Maybe I don't know how to ask God to feel me with the Holy Spirit. I don't know.
I have been thinking that the Holy Spirit is a magic wand and that if I just pray the right prayer, that the stress would go away and I will be ok and that also I would be content with my circumstances.
I am sure I have the wrong attitude or heart about this, but this is what has been on my mind for quite a while. I don't know why when I need God's strength the most, that seems to be when my prayers hit the ceiling.
I have been realizing that sleeping, exercise and reading/studying the Bible really help A LOT. I can't believe the difference they make.
So I think I will be ok, I just have to remember that there are some VERY GOOD and cheap/free things I can do. Sleep, exercise, and get in God's word/pray.
If any of you have a minute I would really appreciate some prayer.
Please pray that I will remember to read His promises/verses, exercise and sleep.
Being a Stay at home Mom is exhausting.
At 7:06 AM ,
Alison said...
Becky, I agree that being a mom is hard. Thank you for sharing your feelings. I will pray for you.
Thanks for the reminder about exercising/reading the Bible! I need much more of both in my life.
Something that has been a big blessing for me is joining a playgroup. We meet every week and it is nice to have someplace to go/kids for Jack to interact with, plus the support of the moms. If you're interested in the idea but don't know of one in your area, you could invite a few friends to start one. We just rotate homes or go to the park.
Also, since my husband also works from home, I sometimes have him watch Jack for a little while while I go to the store or get some work done. It's refreshing to take a little break from mom duties. And once in a while, I'll meet a friend for dinner or coffee and do some fun shopping.
At 9:31 AM ,
beck said...
Can I add "connecting with other women" to that list of VERY GOOD things to do? (I'm talking to myself when I say that too.) Praying for you. You absolutely are NOT alone or the "only one!"
At 3:18 PM ,
Becky said...
Alison, thanks for the ideas.
I really can't ask my husband to watch the boys like that. He doesn't have that kind of job. That's one reason why I don't think it's working for him to work from home.
And we're watching our budget very closely so I can't spend any extra.
I don't have much of a break.
I've been trying to connect with other moms but I've been feeling depressed and they don't seem to understand.
At 4:54 PM ,
Kirsten said...
I'm FB msging you.
At 11:18 AM ,
Angie W. said...
I realize I'm reading this a few weeks late but I'm guessing the stress has not miraculously gone away. :) Being a SAHM is hard--we get no immediate positive feedback for many of our efforts and we have to get up in the morning and do it all again. You are not alone in it being hard or in being stressed, emotional, hormonal and what-else-have-you. Satan gets most of us moms with that junk. Victory is possible but not immediate. Much to our discomfort. :)
My devotional from Beth Moore's Believing God this morning spoke to this very thing. Verse: I make every effort to take hold of it because I also have been taken hold of by Christ Jesus. Phil 3:12
"God created us. He knows what satisfies our souls and fulfills us. He could grant us victory and maturity without an ounce of participation, but He created us to be most satisfied by apprehending throught diligent pursuit.
Our salvation is a free gift of grace that demanded the work of Jesus alone. God made sure, however, that much of our fulfillment would involve the glorious pursuit of God and His goals so our souls would be filled and thrilled in the sonstant discoveries. God is sovereign, Dear One. And when all is said and done, He knows what will thrill us the most."
It frequently doesn't feel like a "glorious" pursuit and I don't feel thrilled much of the time. I just want God to fix me! :) But He has promised that He WILL finish the work in me and He's okay with the process. I think this devotional reminding me that there is a purpose to this struggle to pursue is so encouraging. God doesn't just fill us up with the Holy Spirit and immediately make us like His Son. It is like moving into a new house and gradually changing paint, spreading new furniture around, putting new things up on the walls, etc. Yes, you own the house but it takes awhile to get it how you want it. :)
Praying for grace for you with yourself in the process of letting the Holy Spirit move in and take over. And praying for grace for your husband to understand that transformation is a process also. It is hard for these guys when they just are wired completely differently. The book Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas is excellent for understanding some of the differences in guys/girls and letting God use those friction points as refining for BOTH of you. For instance, he FINALLY figured out his wife's tears over different issues were akin to sweating while moving something heavy for him--part of a hard process, not necessarily the end of the world. I'm a crier and it has helped so much for Neal to understand that my tears are not the same as his tears would be--for me they are part of the process of dealing with things, not a sign of total breakdown. :)
Anyway, praying.
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