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Friday, April 14, 2006


I know I need to just let go and know that God will take care of everything and that he knows what I need, but today I can't. It's probably the good 'ol pregnancy hormones again.
I just can't seem to relax and say "it will all work out".
I feel like I have to get this out. It's been bottling up for quite a while.
The things that are bothering me are:
1. Where are we going to live when the baby gets here? The houses are expensive and we don't know what we can afford and we don't really know what our options are. Grrrrr.....
2. David's car is in the repair shop and has been for about a month. The people who are suppose to be working on it seem to be incompetent. So that means we only have 1 car right now. He had to get an operating permit from DMV but he only has it 'til the end of April.
3. Our prenatal care/OBGYN appointment. I mean, come on... I'm 3 months pregnant and it's very difficult to just sit around and wait and wait.
4. If we do move to a different area somewhere in California, we will have to change our OBGYN doctor. What a pain! All this waiting to get a doctor and then if we move we'll have to wait again......!!!!!!!! HMOs can be sucky. I wish this could be better but we have to go through this California government program. It seems to be the only way for us right now.

So that's 4 things that are stressing me out. I am sorry that I sound so negative. But hey at least I can blame it on the hormones.

When I think about David's car and the fact that I'm complaining about only having 1 car right now. I should be thankful. I know some people who only have 1 car all the time and they don't complain. At least I don't hear them complaining.

I feel like I have lost 2 months of my life already. I just want everything to smooth out and be normal. But of course that wouldn't be life? Life be smooth and wonderful? Yeah right......


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