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Thursday, January 11, 2007

getting fresh air

Here are some pictures that I took at a park in Irvine. These pictures where taken before Thanksgiving but I wanted to give you all an idea of what it was like.
I went there again yesterday. Eric and I both really needed some fresh air. (aka: struggling with living in a 1 bedroom apartment)
Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my camera. I could've taken some really nice shots. Oh well maybe next time.
I was able to feed Eric on a bench by a lake. (even though he had to drink a cold bottle of formula because the bathroom faucet only had cold water) I'm so glad that he can eat his food cold. At home, I have a bottle warmer and I always use it to warm either my breast milk or his formula. It's so nice to have.
It was so peaceful and relaxing. The ducks and geese were friendly and so were the peacocks.

I'm so glad that I can go to a park and get away for a couple of hours. The other day for some reason I couldn't think of that. I could only think of the huge dark cloud that hung over my head and our apartment. I prayed but I thought that it didn't help and that my prayers were just hitting the ceiling.
Some times I have days like this when I feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel and the world is coming to an end.


  • At 10:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Trials are not enemies of faith but are opportunities to prove God's faithfulness. This little verse has been a comfort to me Becky when I'm feeling lonely, sad, depressed, overwhelmed or whatever. It's often difficult to "see" that God has my best interests at heart when I'm going through rough times. He will make things right in His time and in His way. You won't be in the tiny apt. forever, Beck. I know it seems like it at the time. But, God sees you right now and knows your very frustration you are feeling. Keep this in mind when you are feeling like giving up. He DOES care about you and David and Eric! Praise the Lord! The prayers are going out for you! I am glad you are able to take walks to the park. This should help your mood immensely. Daddy & I love you!

  • At 3:38 PM , Blogger burndive said...

    Anytime you get sick of all the sunshine in California, you can come join me in Washington :-P

    We've been having a winter wonderland for the past week or so.

  • At 9:20 PM , Blogger Kim Tostada said...

    Hi Becky.
    It's Kim Estrada.. Victor's wife.. Hey I just found your link again and just started to read some of your posts. I know it's a little late to comment on this post since you wrote it almost a month ago but i just wanted to.. I wanted to let you know your not alone in the depressing times and I think depression hits most of us at one time or another but especially after such a huge life change of having a baby.. I want you to know that i've been there many times myself and still deal with it off and on. My latest struggle has been that Victor now has 3 jobs so i can stay at home.. Which i am so thankful for.. but I hardly get time with him and we have another baby on the way. I'm praying that God would do something about our situation too. Anyway, there are tons of encouraging verses which it seems you've found so i won't try and preach to you.. I just want you to know your not alone in the moments when you feel that prayers sometimes just hit the cieling... if you ever want to hang out let me know.. Our home is baby ready. Take care and God bless.

    Love, Kim


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