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Thursday, June 28, 2007

cat hair

Well, as it turns out the people who lived here before us were cat lovers and they had a herd of cats living in this apartment. Last Wednesday when David and I arrived we had assumed that all was well and that we could start getting settled in our new home. Well........... cat hair has a way of lingering and so does cat pee. Yep. Like I said they had a herd of cats. :-) I like cats too but after all the cat hair that we vacuumed up with our new vacuum that we just bought, I don't know if I'm too fond of them. I still like them but now I'm realizing what kind of a mess they can leave behind. (I still like my childhood cats that I grew up with though :-). What is interesting is that the management says that the carpet was cleaned and that we should have been able to see the carpet rake marks in the carpet, showing us that it was cleaned. But what we found in the vacuum tells us that it either wasn't done at all or it wasn't done correctly.
What makes it more difficult is that David is allergic to cats. Extremely allergic. So allergic that he can't breathe. So that is not good. Fortunately, we have some nice friends in the area who have let us stay there at night. Also, so far Eric and I don't seem to be allergic. But the past few days, I've been sneezing quite a bit.

We have talked to the manager and showed him the stuff that we vacuumed up and he offered to have it re-cleaned with a steam cleaner and to have it deodorized. So hopefully, that should help. If it doesn't help then we will either decide to have the carpet replaced or to just move to another apartment, since most of them seem to be very affordable around here.

We would really appreciate your prayers on this matter, for David and his allergies/breathing difficulties and for me to cast all my cares,worries, stresses, etc. on the Lord, and for me to realize that He can handle it all.

If anyone is wondering how Eric is doing, I think he's getting cuter. I think he got cuter when he got his second tooth. :-D Yep, now he has two bottom teeth. Of course he's cuter now. He's our little baby boy. I wish I could get my camera hooked up so I could put some pictures on here. I think it might be awhile though before I'm able to do that, I'm using David's computer and our personal computer isn't hooked up yet. But hopefully, it won't be too long before things are back to normal.


  • At 10:22 AM , Blogger Mary said...

    That's too bad about the cat hair. I hope they'll be able to get it all cleaned for you. I can sympathize with the cat allergies. I'm allergic to them, too. Welcome to Washington, by the way. Sorry you had such a bad welcome with the cat hair, though.

  • At 8:22 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    I hope you still like Bumpers...he was fur therapy:-)

  • At 9:07 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    We're wondering if your carpet got shampooed today?

  • At 7:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    We were unable to get the smell of cat pee out of carpeting. Not only did we finally replace the carpet and padding, but before we did so, we ended up flooding the hardwood flooring with bleach (ruined the floor) and then sealed it with a varnish type sealant. PRAYERS for David!! Breathing is key... ~Beck's Mom~


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