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Friday, January 13, 2006

You are an amazing God

I had a wonderful thing happen today. I have been feeling really depressed lately. Especially since the beginning of November when I was notified that my job would be ending.

Anyway, I have been moody and just not a happy person. I have almost forgot what it's like to laugh and have a good time.

Yesterday I was feeling sorry for myself. I think I have too much down time on my hands.
Is that possible?
After I was done eating some breakfast, I got a call from a friend who I have met at our church about 3 months ago. I am so blessed to have a friend like her. Here I was thinking about what a pathetic person I was, when she called.
I haven't seen her in a while because David and I were out of town and both of our schedules were off and made it hard to coordinate. So I was surprised and pleased to get a call from her today.

Basically she was saying that other people feel the same way that I do from time to time. I am not alone. She also said that I was going to bless some people tomorrow. At that moment, I knew that the Lord wanted her to call me. I was just praying last night and crying about not being able to bless people and feeling so down about everything. It is so amazing that the God would do that.

The Lord really knows just what we need. They strange thing was that I didn't think that the Lord was listening to me. I felt as though my prayers were just hitting the ceiling. Even though your prayers feel empty and like they are hitting the ceiling, they are not. God always hears them. :-)


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