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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Christmas '05 in Northern California-That's Eureka, CA

This is a picture of me and you know who (David, my wonderful husband of 3 years). Isn't this a nice picture? It is in front of my parents house in Eureka. "Where is Eureka?"you ask. Well, it's a place on the map. Although most people don't know that it's part of California. They seem to think that the bay area is Nothern California. Then they ask if Eureka is near San Francisco. "No, it's about 5 1/2 hours north of that." It seems like people have no clue........ as if San Francisco is as far north as you can go.

I still have feelings for my hometown. But there are some things about this town that are very unique. Here is a list of what makes it unique:

1. No Walmart.
2. No In-N-Out burger
3. No iceskating rink
4. 1 shopping mall (1 story, no escalators or stairs)
5. It rains year around and has lots of fog( aka: marine layer of gunk in the sky that doesn't go away)

Perhaps these things are not what makes it unique. It seems that these are negative features that Eureka has (or doesn't have). I don't know. Maybe I'm just spoiled because Southern California has just about everything.

If you ever want to drive up there, you will want to be prepared. The drive is quite long. Approximately 12 hours. I have found that is much better to fly. Especially since there are direct 2 hour flights from LAX to Eureka. Cool! Yeah, it's kinda nice. Also, when you are there, bring things to do. Unless, ofcourse you like to drive around and sightsee.


  • At 11:36 AM , Blogger TimsBlogs II said...

    Oh, and the pulp mill! It smells so nice....but we mustn't forget the redwoods....oh and a drive-thru tree....woo hoo!


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