This is not fun
I'm going to apologize right now and tell you that I am not very happy right now. I want to move. I really hate Southern California. I hate the fact that David and I went to the park and when we came back this evening, I was following a car into our lovely apartment complex and guess what?, the car was trying to park in our parking place. We have to reserve an extra parking space because the parking is so terrible here. I did not have much self control when I saw that the person was trying to take our spot. We were on a waiting list for almost 1 year just for this parking space. Oh and we have to pay an extra $25 for it too. Lovely isn't it? What kind of living arrangement is this anyway? But wait, it gets even better. Did I tell you how many car breakins we have had since we've moved here? Ok, I really don't have the time to go into it now. But really it does get better. Check this out.....We have to stay here because of what......? A job..... or lack there of...... We can't afford to move and we have no guarantee that there will be a better job somewhere else. Or at least a job that's not going to be a "temp to hire" or something worse. Maybe I should just change the title of this blog. It is getting to be more fun as I type this. I feel pressure about getting another job. But the problem is I don't want to. I think the main problem that I am having is that I don't know what I can do. I am doubting if I really like being a receptionist. I had this great idea to go to school and get an administrative assistant certificate. I thought to myself, " Now that's something that I could do. I could put this on my resume and it'll be great. I don't even have to use to very much math. " Great........ And now I am wondering what was I thinking. So basically what I am trying to say is that life is great. I can't wait to wake up tomorrow and start another day. I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself. I'm having the time of my life. Both David and I together are having a blast. Ok, I think maybe I need to calm down. Please don't take these blogs too seriously. I just need to get some of my thoughts out. Ta ta for now.
At 8:20 PM ,
TimsBlogs II said...
Not to make light of any situation we find ourselves in, your blog made me smile and laugh out loud....then I had to hit myself again cause this isn't funny.
At 8:23 PM ,
TimsBlogs II said...
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