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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Who am I kidding?

I have 5 weeks to go. 5 weeks doesn't sound like much time at all to me. But I think this baby boy inside of me wants to come sooner rather than later. Yesterday, I experienced some quite painful braxton hicks contractions. Not fun. I was about ready to call the doctor. I've never experienced it before so I didn't know what they were supposed to feel like. Anyway, according to the pregnancy websites I learned that the real ones don't go away and they get worse and these ones (the practice ones) do go away. Also, I've been really achy and I've been feeling anxious lately. I think that means that I'm getting close to the big day.

This past weekend was a rush. I had a baby shower on Saturday. I got some more baby stuff. It was enough to put me in the overwhelmed mode again.
But the next day on Sunday we had to rush and rush. After church, we had to rush home and eat something quick and then rush off to a maternity tour of the hospital. We were able to see the labor room, the delivery and the nursery rooms. It was interesting. But it's hard for me to imagine that I'll be screaming and crying in there in about a month. Then after the maternity tour, we went to David's sister's apartment and celebrated our August birthdays.
I sweated and sweated. It not glamourous at all to be pregnant. I can't think of anything nice and pretty about it. I don't know how the pregnant celebrities do it. They all look so perfect all the time. Where is the ugly sweat on them? I never see it. Is it just the cameras that do all the tricks? Or is it the make-up? Or maybe it's both. I could never where make up when I'm pregnant. I would just sweat it off or cry and it would get all messed up anyway, so what's the point of spending all the extra time in the morning?

I'm getting off the subject again. Funny how that happens.

So far we have the portable crib all set up right next to my side of the bed. It looks good though. I even put some baby stuffed animals in there and a blanket.
(Even though I'm supposed to remove all of that stuff in the crib when the baby comes).
I'm getting overwhelmed with all of the stuff that needs to be done and I don't really know where to begin.

One quick thing: I have decided to change the code name for our baby to his initials: ECZ. I may end up spilling the beans and just saying his name later on. But for now Baby ECZ is what it is.


  • At 12:23 PM , Blogger burndive said...

    That's quite a relief. For a while there I thought you were going to give birth to an infant African equine.

    Of course the whole thing is probably my fault for getting you that pillow.

  • At 12:58 PM , Blogger Becky said...

    I remember that pillow. :-) I still have it too of course.

  • At 1:03 PM , Blogger Becky said...

    CC: I'm not sure about that. I've been drinking plenty of water especially because it's been so hot. According to the book that I've been reading and my doctor, the braxton hicks contractions are normal and nothing to worry about. So I can stop worrying now. :-)


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