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Thursday, August 17, 2006

You are getting sleeeeeepy

I tried this earlier and my computer decided to shut off and restart itself before I was finished so I didn't get to publish the post. Stupid computer!

Anyway, this is what I've been doing lately. Sleeping and sleeping. I have a nice body pillow and that is what helps me to sleep comfortably. When I wake up I notice that I'm as big as a humpback whale. Only the hump is in the front and not the back.

During the day I notice that I'm uncomfortable. No position is comfortable any more. Except for sleeping. I actually sleep pretty comforable except for one thing. Yep, you guessed it. Baby Zebra!!!! He is so active at night or whenever I lay down. I do notice him during the day too, even when I'm driving in the car. I don't think he ever sleeps.

I'm struggling with knowing that soon I won't be pregnant anymore and my life is going to change. I guess maybe I'm going to miss the freedom and maybe I'll miss the way my life is now. I don't know. What I've noticed is that when I am out in the public and I see other moms with their baby in a stroller, I just can't imagine it being me. I can't imagine disciplining a kid either. I think I may need to take some classes or read some books on that topic. Also, most of the time, I have noticed that some of those moms are yelling and losing it because they have 1 or 2 other kids with them and they aren't behaving as they should. I don't want that to be me. Is this how it is with all moms? Do all moms lose it and yell at their kids all the time?

I'm going to eat something now so that I don't have to wake up at 3am and eat again.


  • At 12:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hi Becky, and belated happy birthday wishes to you! I surf on over from SAJ sometimes, and I had to respond to your post about sleeping and being uncomfortable all the time. I remember that stage of pregnancy all too well, and I am feeling sympathy pangs for you.

    I also wanted to give you some encouragement, and let you know that not all moms yell at their kids! :-) It's really hard work to be a mom but you can do it, and you will be amazed at how it gives you insights into God's relationship with us, His children. God bless you!

  • At 5:20 PM , Blogger Becky said...

    Thanks Bethany! Thanks for the encouragement. It's tough being pregnant sometimes and I know it'll be tough being a mom too. :-)


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