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Friday, August 04, 2006

baby last name

........................Be prepared for some venting...............

Baby z is now going to called baby zebra. The reason for that is almost every time someone who doesn't know us (telemarketers, sales people etc) they ask us our last name and when they write it on paper it turns out like this : Dwicker. So I have gotten into the habit of saying "Z like zebra" and then spelling it out the rest of the way. I figured that baby z is going to have a similar problem during school so hopefully this will help. So for now (until I can come up with something more exciting) Baby Zebra is his new name.

Speaking of baby zebra, for the past couple of weeks, he has been kicking and moving in places that are really uncomfortable. Like I'll be sitting here and all of a sudden it feels like I have to go to the bathroom and I just went. Ugh! I know's he happy in there but my goodness. Can't he kick something else?

Last weekend I had a breast feeding class at the hospital where baby zebra is to be born at. I left the class feeling like my head was going to burst with information.
Also, I was starving. They only had fruit to offer. Which normally is fine but the problem was that I was hungry at the beginning of class and it was 3 hours long. I was in a rush to get to the class on time and of course I didn't allow myself enough time to have a big breakfast before I left. That and the fact that the hospital is a good 30 minutes from our apartment. It's difficult to rush out the door when you're beginning to grow a big basketball around your middle.

But all in all the breast feeding class was good despite the food problem. I have a big packet of information now along with some books that my cousin lent me and my mom bought me. Except for the pump and the bottles, I think I'm all set. Now I just get to put it all into practice in 2 months.

No update so far on the car issue. We have to wait to hear back from the insurance company as to whether or not we get any money for David's car. Since it's a salvage title and costs more money to fix than the original estimate, we don't know what to expect right now.

I have been praying that we are able to get a family car. Because my car hardly qualifies as a family car. Another problem is that the parking space where I park my car at our apartment is a challenge. It's a extra parking space that we have to pay $20 pretty dollars for because we only get 1 car port place with the apartment. I could take a risky chance and park my car in the car port but the last few times that I've parked it there, it's gotten broken into. And also the people who park next to the parking place have a horrible (or maybe it's a great habit) habit of parking too close to me on both sides! Grrrr. I hardly ever see them so I can't say anything and I don't know which apartment they live in. Maybe I could have David try to talk to them or if we could ask the apartment manager about it. (Yeah, right....)
(And yet another reason why we should move) I know that was a couple of years ago but to me it was a couple of years ago too often. And now that we only have 1 car, we can't afford to have our only car broken into when we have a baby coming.

I'm frustrated about this parking problem because when the people park too close, I can barely get the door open for me to squeeze in and out of. (It's not like I can just climb over through to the passenger side. Not with my ever growing belly in the way).I don't even like to think about trying to get a baby in and out of there. (Did I mention I only have a 2 door car?) Yep, that makes it more difficult.

Of course David trys to calm me down and says something like "there are other people who have 2 babies and only 1 car and they don't have a husband to help them."
Good point! But, but, but..... what about this and this and this and no air conditioning in the car and the dirty dishes on the counter? I could go on and on and on. (And believe me I do)

By the way, the picture above was taken nearly 6 years ago when I first got my car. I was smiling in the picture too because I just got the car with my father-in-law's help. See no dents and it looks great right? Well that was before it was broken into 4 times. Yes, it's been broken into 4 times in the last 4 years that David and I have been married. At the time when I bought the car, I didn't know that Neons are easy targets.


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